News From the Capitals


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Here is the emerging news on climate and environmental action from the 35 Capitals of the Hemisphere. An update of events, announcements and decisions that place local governments as the real guarantors of the transition.

City of Belmopan approves Climate Emergency and appoints its envoy for the Climate Parliament of the Americas


City of Belmopan approves Climate Emergency and appoints its envoy for the Climate Parliament of the Americas, which will be organized by the CC35...

CC35 is committed to the climate integration of the Americas through local diplomacy, to reduce local greenhouse gas emissions, to increase the resilience of cities in the region and to amplify the voices of the Capitals before the international community in the framework of the Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC following the implementation of the Paris Agreement,

the 2030 Agenda and the Glasgow Climate Pact.

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Estados Unidos de America

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